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Tech Unveiled: Aura Blockchain Consortium’s Digital Product Passport (DPP) Journey

December 6, 2023

In today’s ever-evolving landscape of luxury, technology has emerged as a pivotal enabler, reshaping the way we engage with products and consumers alike. At Aura Blockchain Consortium, we are shaping the role of technology in the luxury industry, crafting luxury experiences and safeguarding authenticity and traceability at every possible touchpoint.

Our Digital Product Passport is designed to elevate the luxury experience, while also aligning with our member brands’ technological aspirations. Here is how Aura Blockchain Consortium provides tech support for Digital Product Passport implementation.

Create, Customise and Deploy with Ease

Aura Consortium ensures a seamlessly integrated DPP experience that encompasses full product lifecycle traceability, facilitating both upstream and downstream track and trace capabilities. Aura Blockchain Consortium’s intuitive interface empowers brands who wish to customise their DPP to deploy the Aura DPP platform easily, ensuring that a brand DPP strategy unfolds effortlessly.

DPP Platform for Accelerated Strategies

Aura Blockchain Consortium presents an unparalleled Digital Product Passport platform, designed to offer brands a comprehensive regulatory framework, elevate product storytelling, and immerse customers in cutting-edge Web3 utilities. This tailor-made platform is meticulously curated to meet the unique needs of brands, boasting customizable features that empower brands to craft a personalized digital experience. Seamlessly integrable, the platform ensures brands a smooth transition into the world of digital innovation.

Brand Subdomains: Enhancing Control and Flexibility

Imagine a DPP page integrated into your brand’s online presence. Aura Blockchain Consortium’s DPP offers the flexibility to display the DPP page on a brand subdomain. The Consortium provides brands with the freedom to create and oversee DPPs, effectively putting the power back into the hands of the brand.

Data Protection Agreement (DPA), Security and Service Level Agreement (SLA) Managed

When it comes to data privacy and security, Aura Blockchain Consortium stands as a trusted brand partner, made from luxury, for luxury. We oversee DPAs, security protocols, and SLAs related to the DPP page, ensuring that your DPP’s security and performance are of the highest standard.


At Aura Blockchain Consortium, in anticipation of the upcoming EU Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation (ESPR) and its requirements for Digital Product Passport, we ensure fiscal and legal compliance in a brand’s DPP implementation. Our emphasis is on employing easy methods for decentralised storage to uphold compliance standards.

Blockchain Agnostic Solutions

Our versatile solution caters to both private and public blockchain preferences for luxury brands. Aura’s private permission-based blockchain and public blockchain solutions unlock transformative opportunities, delivering a Digital Product Passport with authenticity, full product lifecycle traceability, and transparency. Embedded utilities ensure a seamless customer experience, encompassing loyalty, e-warranty, insurance, repair assistance, heightened transparency for sustainability initiatives and many more.

Aura Blockchain Consortium’s Digital Product Passport represents the intersection of technology and luxury. From blockchain agnostic solutions to the framework for regulation and compliance, Aura Blockchain Consortium empowers brands with a smooth integration and the creative freedom to connect with their customers. Our commitment to the luxury industry establishes the Consortium as a trusted partner. Looking forward, the DPP will not be just a feature to comply with regulations but a transformative commitment to elevate the luxury experience for both brands and their customers.

Explore Aura DPP: Aura Solutions


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